Does anyone know why `kotlin.Number` is an abstrac...
# announcements
Does anyone know why
is an abstract class, rather than an interface?
Becuase it holds a value I reckon, would be kind of awkward to have an intreface backing data types.
No. It is purely abstract. Mostly, it is just a Java legacy in its design. But it is somewhat logical in the sense that being a number is pretty exclusive property. It is hard to imagine something being some other kind of entity and also serve its double-duty as a number.
(everything else about its design is quite illogical, though)
I'm looking at possibly porting this to use inline classes, but obviously inline classes can only implement interfaces, not extend abstract classes
at a first glance I think you can get the performance characteristics of what's called the "native decimal" in the benchmarks, but with the nicer API of the Immutable/MutableDecimal classes
It was just a curiosity I came across though, it doesn't have to extend Number, I just thought it was a bit strange. Thanks for the confirmation 🙂
Just don't extend it, the
class is almost completely useless anyway.