One other Question: I'm looking for project manage...
# announcements
One other Question: I'm looking for project management software... I am used to managing multi discipline multi million dollar project using Excel for action items and Word for project planning, or alternatively MS Project/Primavera real PM software. I've used youTrack, trello, jira and I really really hate all three... jire and trello seem to manage project by sticky notes in swimlanes and youTrack is complicated and verbose, but provides less relevant functionality than excel and word for me. Bottom line, I want to use this modern developer PM software, but one thing I absolutely have to have is a tabular view with real columns, filter/sort without having to learn proprietary query languages... basically I need a real spreadsheet + pretty views for all the other people not managing the project.... Do any offer this?
Coda might interest you. It’s pretty new, only released earlier this year, but am really loving it for things like this
Thank you, that looks pretty solid... looks like an online spreadsheet more than anything else. sounds a little better though, seems to provide spreadsheets and other stuff... but more to study.
Haven't used Coda, but Notion seems to tick all the boxes. Simple interface with a number of views including a tabular view, calendar view, items by assignee, etc. Also offers a great way to build knowledge bases and wikis
@Gunslingor This should be in #random
there is no random channel though... sorry new to slack
Yes there is, I just linked to it.
Click the link and click join
I haven’t heard of Notion before, but it looks very similar to Coda. I’ll have to check that one out too
To add to the discussion, out of Notion and Coda, I like Coda a little more, but I really don't like that it's Chrome only.
ah, it's hidden, sorry I found it... thanks guys, maybe I shouldn't even be in the kotlin workspace for most of these questions... I'm just so exited to have this new tool where I can talk to other technical peoples!
thanks, I'll have to check out both then
please read the slack docs if you are unfamiliar with slack
i feel like.. that isn’t unreasonable
@Gunslingor Nonsense, of course you should be here. Nobody starts out knowing everything, that's why we help each other out when we make mistakes.
If it gets too random even for random, people will let you know.
Thanks ruckus... thanks shawn... it isn't too much to ask but I've got to prioritize what I learn... although a good app should be usable without reading the instructions 😃
just kidding.... thanks again folks.
I've officially fallen in love with notion, good bye trello, jira and youtrack.
A common refrain. Happy task management!