Hi guys, Is there a way of parsing Kolin code? A l...
# announcements
Hi guys, Is there a way of parsing Kolin code? A library or something like that in order to obtain the function names, parameters, parameters types and outputs?
Reflection API doesn't suit you?
I would like to have something like that: https://github.com/Kotlin/grammar-tools but it doesn't work for me
Now it is working for me but not in the expected manner, it doesn't return the types for example
You can use embeddable Kotlin compiler, but I don’t see any documentation for it. You could read Detekt source code, they use it afaik: https://github.com/arturbosch/detekt/blob/master/detekt-core/src/main/kotlin/io/gitlab/arturbosch/detekt/core/KtCompiler.kt https://github.com/arturbosch/detekt/blob/master/detekt-api/src/main/kotlin/io/gitlab/arturbosch/detekt/api/internal/KotlinEnvironmentUtils.kt Another thing that rings the bell for me is scripting engine https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/tree/master/libraries/examples/kotlin-jsr223-local-example I’d love to hear someone more familiar with the topic chime in
Also Android Lint’s source code should be useful, I believe they parse Kotlin internally as well
You could also try using one of the ANTLR grammars for Kotlin, if just parsing the code is enough for you