``` if (nullableIntOne ?: 0 < nullableList?.siz...
# announcements
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if (nullableIntOne ?: 0 < nullableList?.size ?: 0) {
    // some code 1
} else {
    // some code 2
I can't compare nullable types. So what is the likelihood of above code breaking. How can I mitigate it?
define breaking?
🙂 throwing an exception or neither parts executing.
make it non-nullable %)
Depends on case, but in general you just have to handle this case somehow
If you really have a lot of such cases, you of course can introduce compareTo operator for nullable int:
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operator fun Int?.compareTo(other: Int?): Int {
    val a = this ?: 0
    val b = other ?: 0
    return a.compareTo(b) 
But I wouldn’t recommend to do that! Because this
is not universal default, what should be bigger -1 or null?
one more solution, just introduce private function that compare 2 nullable int, but with some semantics, not just universal comparasion function
Thanks. I will look into the solutions you have suggested.