If I have a kotlin class that takes a function as ...
# announcements
If I have a kotlin class that takes a function as an argument (a block). How do I initialize that class from java, link to documentation might suffice. I don't see that in https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/java-interop.html ?
You should just be able to pass in a lambda from the Java side
or method reference if applciable
return new SuspendingBatchingPublisherImpl<UnsubscribeEvent, UnsubscribeEventList>( subscriptionRabbitTemplate(), (list) -> new UnsubscribeEventList(list), (eventList) -> eventList.getEvents().size(), applicationProperties.getUnsubscribeMessages() );
not working for some reason
class SuspendingBatchingPublisherImpl<T, R>( private val rabbitTemplate: RabbitTemplate, private val eventBatchingProperties: EventBatchingProperties, private val batchFunction: (items: List<T>) -> R, private val batchLength: (R) -> Int 😞 CoroutineScope {
error is :
UnsubscribeEventList cannot be applied to lambda parameter
(list) -> new UnsubscribeEventList(list), highlights the second list
what’s the signature on the Kotlin side?
shown four lines up, first code block is java calling site, and second is kotlin signature
oh my bad