What are people’s favorite Kotlin/Java libraries f...
# announcements
What are people’s favorite Kotlin/Java libraries for providing HTTP/REST APIs?
#ktor #javalin #spring #vertx #micronaut also, Spring Boot and DropWizard are pretty popular. #server
The previous ones are awesome... But if you want to check a not mainstream one, you can try http://hexagonkt.com (disclaimer: I'm the author)
If you like it, you can join #hexagon
A really new, and lightweight one to checkout is https://quarkus.io. GraalVM and VERY fast. Java/Kotlin. Depends on your use case more than anything else as they all have pros/cons
DropWizard is mentioned as a option however it isn't as widely used as Ktor, Spring, and Vert.x on the Kotlin side.