Using the `!!` operator seems to be a frequent sou...
# announcements
Using the
operator seems to be a frequent source of issues. Has anyone here ever considered turning
into a compiler-error lint rule?
👍 4
I'm scared of this operator and my friends are scared of this too but lint rule would be awesome
I’m not used to writing my own lint rules but this should be an easy one 🤔 . But it’s quite a hard-rule so not sure if it’s a good idea
I feel that if a lint rule is added, people will start doing
Copy code
val foo = getPossibleNullable() ?: throw IllegalStateException("Shouldn't be null")
Which would be exactly the same
Sometimes you just know a variable won't be null at some point, and I believe it's ok to go
for that scenario
shouldn't be a Lint warning, but you should carefully examine your code why you'd need it! Often it's a code-smell, but sometimes there's no other way 😀
💯 1
Detekt has this as a rule, and allows easy Suppression of rules if it’s determined to be valid/acceptable.
I like that idea.
I didn’t know we can create our own Lint rules, that’d be a great idea, but what we’ve done is that we don’t allow the
operator, so in our code review we are really aware about it. We prefer to have a null check before using an expression that is coming from Java and might need that dangerous operator.