is there a hard and fast rule of when to use `sequ...
# announcements
is there a hard and fast rule of when to use
vs when to use
? i know sequence is for processing large collection of data, but is there any reason why can't I use it to process small amount of data?
They are pretty similar, but for example Java streams also support parallel execution
why can’t I use it to process small amount of data
Because eager collection operators will be faster for small collections
👍 1
also it depends on case
for example sequence is better with filter etc, but if you just do map and then convert to list you save nothing, it will be actually slower than eager{}
Which is unfortunate, it would be great if chains of
operations would be compiled to normal for loops as well.
How would it be possible?
Sequence is lazy, you cannot inline operators
Yes, it would require a lot more compiler support and special casing, I understand why they didn't do that. But something like
Copy code
val res = list.filter(::f).filter(::g).flatMap(::h).toList()
should be compilable to
Copy code
val res = mutableListOf()
for (e in list) {
    if (!f(e)) continue
    if (!g(e)) continue
    for (n in h(e))
        res += n
Or are there exceptions I'm not aware of?
yes, probably, but it looks as very complicated optimization for me, but I’m not an expert in compiler optimisations
I don't think this is a "special case", I very often want to do chained operations to transform a list into another list and I'm always faced with the choice of doing eager, using sequences or just writing the for myself.
also probably such case maybe more efficient than collection operator
What do you mean?
I mean if you have 2 filters, just use sequence %)
I agree, that in some cases it can be optimized by compiler
Yeah I usually end up writing a single
but that breaks down when you have something like
. Then I just start abusing
, it's an unfortunate situation.
I think most cases should be optimizable by the compiler, how often do sequences actually leak outside a function?
Maybe I should just write C++ instead simple smile
A lot of things may be optimized by the compiler, it’s all about priority. You can do complicated optimisation that will not give significant performance gain in 99% cases
Yeah I agree, I understand why the compiler doesn't do this.