I've heard a lot about KEEP87 recently. After read...
# announcements
I've heard a lot about KEEP87 recently. After reading that article : https://quickbirdstudios.com/blog/keep-87-typeclasses-kotlin/ I have now a basic understanding the feature request, but still have trouble finding how I could use it in my projects. Does anyone have sample use cases, apart from the
problem described in the article and functionnal programming (that I don't really understand at the moment 😅) ?
I recommend you to ask on #arrow
@tseisel I recommend reading this to have a rough idea about typeclasses and dig more into some of the examples https://arrow-kt.io/docs/typeclasses/intro/
Later on if you see some examples you can ask in #arrow how exactly you can use it. If you never heard about composing typeclasses. We are happy to help you arrow