I have a use case that is causing some trouble. We...
# announcements
I have a use case that is causing some trouble. We have an interface:
Copy code
interface Foo<T> { 
   fun bar(t: T)
And we want to be able to have the same interface but without the parameter:
Copy code
interface Foo {
    fun bar()
but this is not possible because we are redeclaring the interface name. A possible solution is to declare
and pass
instead of having the second interface without parameters, but this verbose on the calling and declaration site. We have an extension function
fun Foo<Unit>.bar() = bar(Unit)
to make the calling site clearer, but declaring it is still a little bit cumbersome. Any ideas on how to achieve this?
Extracting parameter from interface would work.
Copy code
interface Foo {
    fun <T> bar(t: T)
    fun bar()
I see as the
, etc.
Copy code
interface Foo0 : () -> Unit
    interface Foo1<in T> : (T) -> Unit

    class A : Foo1<Int> {
        override fun invoke(p1: Int) = TODO()

    class B : Foo0 {
        override fun invoke() = TODO()
@Melih Aksoy That's something completely different, now implementors of that interface need to be able to handle anything instead of only a single type.
How about a typealias?
typealias FooU = Foo<Unit>
That plus your extension function should make this quite seamless
@wbertan potentially the interface can have other methods so implementing function might not be a solution. Also, we end up declaring different interface names for each number of parameters.
@diesieben07 This is what we are using right now, but still doesn't feel 100% having to write that U at the end. But is the best we have managed so far
@Eric Martori This is kind of what Kotlin does: https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/blob/master/libraries/stdlib/jvm/runtime/kotlin/jvm/functions/Functions.kt Give this example based on your example where isn't showing other methods. Anyway you could implement two interfaces:
Copy code
interface OtherFoo {
        fun doSomethingElse()
    interface Foo0: OtherFoo {
        fun doSomething()
    interface Foo1<in T>: OtherFoo {
        fun doSomething(param: T)

    class A : Foo1<Int> {
        override fun doSomething(param: Int) = TODO()
        override fun doSomethingElse() = TODO()

    class B : Foo0 {
        override fun doSomething() = TODO()
        override fun doSomethingElse() = TODO()