Does anyone knows a good lib for Mongodb?
# announcements
Does anyone knows a good lib for Mongodb?
Spring Data MongoDB, Morphia, MongoJack
I worked with all three, like all of them, eventually used Spring Data's because application was itself based on Spring Boot and that made data access play very nice with the rest of the app. But both Morphia and MongoJack could be used effectively too. I suggest to play for a couple of days with each and decide. There most certainly are other libraries, but these three I had experience with.
Thanks, btw what are your thoughts about Spring VS Ktor? I'm using the latter, but I've never tried Spring, it feels too coupled for me, what do you think about it? Is it worth it?
I haven't tried ktor, if you like it, stick with it. Spring is worth it for me because I tend to work with large and complex project, Spring's different subprojects eliminate a lot of boilerplate and plumbing, so it is just logical to use Spring IoC container. Also I've been using Spring since 2007, It was Spring 2.0 back then I believe 🙂
Also, I do not feel it's coupled, more like—well integrated. Many of its subsystems can be easily replaced by 3rdparty, e.g. in one project I work on we have jax-rs/jersey instead of Spring MVC.