Bundling all those kotlin bindings on the web proj...
# announcements
Bundling all those kotlin bindings on the web project is a bit tedious
What do you mean?
Maybe I am not in the know and if so my apologies but there seems not be a way to create reusable KotlinJS libraries. At least last time I checked 🙂. So I have been putting in all that kotlinjs code in a single module instead of splitting it to separate libraries
😕 1
And always needing to recreate and copy kotlin bindings for existing javascript libraries
Would be nice just to be able to reference them with gradle/maven or which ever build system is used
I would like to see gradle as the universal build tool for kotlin across different platforms like js / jvm etc
but everyone likes to use their own favorite 🙂
There was a way, since very 1.0 release, and perhaps even before that
So you need
option which does the trick. And in Gradle it would be something like
compileKotlin2Js.kotlinOptions.metaInfo = true
👍 2
Nice thank you