Gotta love extension methods. The fact that joda t...
# announcements
Gotta love extension methods. The fact that joda time does not provide is(Before|After)OrEqual methods bugged me even though the workaround is very simple. With Kotlin this is solved 😄
Copy code
fun AbstractPartial.isBeforeOrEqual(other: ReadablePartial): Boolean = !isAfter(other)
fun AbstractPartial.isAfterOrEqual(other: ReadablePartial): Boolean = !isBefore(other)
The problem with directly using something like
is the exclamation mark, arguably it is harder to spot and read than readable name like
Would add
since it's a simple method call
IntelliJ doesn't like that, this will probably be optimized by compiler or JIT anyways, so no reason to have a redundant keyword there.
to the rescue! Note that some "JVM"s don't have JIT. Examples are Android 5.0, 5.1 and 6.0. Android 7.0 and 8.0 have only a partial JIT
Yeah, our >1million java/kotlin code enterprise solution will never ever run on "some JVM" it is intended for big-ass servers with full fledged JVM 🙂
By the way later droids have AOT+JIT, which is kinda awesome 🙂
Yep, but I doubt Android's 7.0+ JIT takes time to optimize such things. I guess it focuses to make the thing runnable ASAP so you wait a minimum amount of time
We're playing guessing game here. Let's not. I trust JetBrains enough to follow its advice on Kotlin 🙂 They suggest to remove
here, so I happily oblige without suppressing stuff, disabling inspections, etc.
Why not just override
, etc...? 😉
K 1
Because: 1) mostly knee-jerk reaction to avoid operator overloading 2) readability, I always forget which date is less or more, before after is much more intuitive for dates 3) keeping the code base homogeneous, isBefore and isAfter are already used all over >1m loc code base which is mostly java with new stuff written in Kotlin.