That moment when you're going back and forth betwe...
# announcements
That moment when you're going back and forth between Kotlin and Java code and spend 10 seconds staring at it wondering why the IDE is complaining that it
Cannot resolve symbol 'val'
, only to realize you're in a Java class.
😬 9
next action you usually perform: press
I'd love to do that, but in a 10 year old code base of roughly 150k LOC that has seen at least 6 devs come and go over the years, believe me, there's some non-ko(t)sher code and interaction going on that wouldn't convert well automatically. I gotta pick my battles and not break what's working, until time comes to modify it for some product development reason.
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I feel your pain (I'm dealing with 1 000 000+ LOC and couple of dozens of devs) but at least we have the codebase structured such so that teams do not touch each other's code too much. So that magic shortcut is quite frequently used by my team 🙂 Of course it involves some manual fine-tuning, but that's okay 🙂