I'm getting some pretty poor behavior out of Intel...
# announcements
I'm getting some pretty poor behavior out of IntelliJ these days, I'm using a lot of fringe stuff so I'm assuming it's just a bunch of bugs around the edges. What's the best way to go about reporting them? Just post to your youtrack?
Yes, please post to Youtrack, and if possible provide some data about your project, and in what cases you see issues.
👍 , I usually get IDE exceptions at the same time which most likely helps, I click the little submit button, but just not sure if that just ends up in a useless void 😉
I think it's mostly this exception https://ea.jetbrains.com/browser/ea_reports/1641263
It sure doesn’t end up in /dev/nul, we have a special process for handling all the exceptions. This exception is known and should be fixed in latest commits. Are you getting it with #ktor?
A workaround is to open
Editor/ Language Injections /Advanced
in settings and disabling them by selecting “Do not analyze anything”.
Yes I'm on ktor, 0.9 running the intellij eap
Thanks for the workaround