hi! I was using back-ticked method names with spac...
# announcements
hi! I was using back-ticked method names with spaces in unit test when I came across a compiler crash (both for 1.1.51 and 1.2.0-beta-31). here’s a small example triggering it:
Copy code
interface `I I` {}
val a = object : `I I` {}
Copy code
exception: org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.CompilationException: Back-end (JVM) Internal error: Failed to generate property a
Cause: Invalid class name (must be a fully qualified class name in internal form): Line_0$I I
File being compiled and position: (1,1) in /Line_1.kts
PsiElement: val a = object : `I I` {}
is this a known issue?
Please report the crash to youtrack: http://kotl.in/issue