does anyone know what would cause a squiggly under...
# announcements
does anyone know what would cause a squiggly underline under a pacakage name (folder actually exists) in a class that is specified fully qualified in code? (for example if I were creating a new object from a fully qualified class, e.g.
a.squiggly b.c.d.MyClass()
what is the text of the warning?
just that it is unrecognized, but I can't figure out what makes that folder different than any other package folder. So to fix it I manually add the import statement and remove the qualifying part in the code. There's no way to automatically do that (like there would be if there was no error)
does that happen for one specific folder only?
yes, but I don't know what makes this folder different than its parent or descendants. If I only ran into this problem once or twice I wouldn't care but I have a lot of classes in the subfolders and so IJ is frequently inserting fully qualified references when I do things like copy a class's source file
I don't think it should matter it the folder actually exists or not since in kotlin packages don't have to match the actual folder.
I think it is related to kotlin import bugs but I'm trying to figure out if there's a way I can get around it since various import bugs haven't been fixed in years
did you search youtrack ?
I can't find anything relevant, I was just hoping someone from jetbrains would know - when they wake up around there
if it's an IJ issue you might want to post that in #intellij
with a reproducible example 😃
no idea how to reproduce it, otherwise I would have made a bug report - but there must be something different about that package / folder than the others for this to happen just not sure what to look for
Maybe you can look trough the editor style settings and see where it comes from?