Hi, I can't seem to pass my parcelable arrays to o...
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Hi, I can't seem to pass my parcelable arrays to other activity, so is there anyone who can help me out/
Parcelable array? Array of parcelables?
Could you please show your code
data class RoutesResponse(@SerializedName("result") val result: String, @SerializedName("freason") val freason: String, @SerializedName("route") var routesList: MutableList<RouteObject>, @SerializedName("route_site") var routeSiteList: MutableList<RouteSite>) : Parcelable { companion object { @JvmField val CREATOR: Parcelable.Creator<RoutesResponse> = object : Parcelable.Creator<RoutesResponse>{ override fun createFromParcel(p0: Parcel): RoutesResponse = RoutesResponse(p0) override fun newArray(p0: Int): Array<RoutesResponse?> = arrayOfNulls(p0) } } constructor(source: Parcel) : this(source.readString(), source.readString(), source.createTypedArrayList(RouteObject.CREATOR), source.createTypedArrayList(RouteSite.CREATOR)) override fun describeContents() = 0 override fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel?, p1: Int) { p0?.let { with(it){ writeString(result) writeString(freason) writeTypedList(routesList) writeTypedList(routeSiteList) } } } }
the other two models of type RouteSite and RouteObject have similar parcelable implementation
I'm sending the list like this:
val testList = getRelevantRoutes(it.id) toast (testList.size.toString()) startActivity(intentFor<GatewayActivity>(KEY_ROUTE_SITES to testList))
and recieving using this: val siteListFromIntent = intent.getParcelableArrayExtra("routesSiteList")[0]
I'm geting source.readString can not be null when i try to read from intent. I'll drop using anko if there's a work around
So what is error in your case?
Maybe source.readString is really null
how can i fix it?
java.lang.IllegalStateException: source.readString() must not be null
So string is null, it means that Parcel has no string in first position
but the list is showing up in the activity from where I want to send my list
Try to debug your intent
and also I'm getting it from the webservice
how do you send intents to one kotlin activty to another and how do you read the?
Exactly the same way as in java
in Kotlin? give me that line of code
and do you implement Parcelable the way I've tried to do?
I do not implement Parcelable manually
Same way in kotlin, just copy paste
have you used @Parcelize?
but it’s definitely nothing wrong to implement it manually
Are you sure that you need getParcelableArrayExtra? val siteListFromIntent = intent.getParcelableArrayExtra(“routesSiteList”)[0]
because looks like you send list instead of array
there is getParcelableArrayListExtra