Been trying to get Spek to work but end up with th...
# announcements
Been trying to get Spek to work but end up with the mysterious/unhelpful Test framework quit unexpectedly message when running a test via the Spek plugin in IntelliJ.
Worth asking in #spek
There's Spek 1.1.4 now, and the intellij plugin to 0.4.3 recently, so may be worth trying
👍 1
Jingkei Thanks simple smile. Updating Spek from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4 via Gradle Kotlin DSL resolved the issue. Is Spek tightly coupled to Kotlin? Will Spek break again if a newer ver of Kotlin is used?
Probably best check with the devs in #spek, but I believe some of the issues have been with the Junit 5 engine API that has been changing a lot in the milestone releases
Isn't JUnit 5 supposed to be stable?
Junit platform 1.0.0-M1 to M5 changed the integration APIs and broke Spek quite often - I think the hope is the RC releases should be more stable