I was reading up on the native kotlin info page an...
# announcements
I was reading up on the native kotlin info page and it mentions game development. I was thinking of how that would be used. Would it be used as like just scripting for events and whatnot or like full on games? I'm sure it seems obvious but I'm a game design student and I wanna know how it will work, according to plans, so that I could possibly use kotlin for games that I make, depending on how it will be designed
Game engines traditionally based on Java can profit nicely from the conveniences provided by Kotlin, as far as I’ve read. LibGDX comes to mind: https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/wiki/Using-libGDX-with-Kotlin - I have only ever used it in Java before, though, and that was a couple of years ago
Ah alright!
But that's not native, right?
LibGDX is basically just a pretty cross-platform wrapper around OpenGL, so it’s completely native in that regard
There also exists libktx https://libktx.github.io/