recently I saw more and more Maven/Gradle Kotlin p...
# announcements
recently I saw more and more Maven/Gradle Kotlin projects that have a non-standard Gradle/Maven structure like
instead of the classically conventional
. Basically the
infix disappeared. Also the resources are on the same level as the
folder. Is this the new project structure that Kotlin wants to adopt and become mainstream? Or are those just some odd cases?
As I know, It’s just a structure of project that guys from JetBrains appreciate more than default
from Maven and Gradle. Ilya Ruzhenkov from JB mentioned it in some chat here. But I don’t think that they push it for everyone or even try to use as default structure for everyone.
👍 1
for code generators, change is really really bad
writing maven plugins with senible defaults resists hierarchy flexibility
There are a lot of possible pitfalls if you want to do that as structure by default (for example big problem for Android), but for you own project I think it’s fine
when i write a protobuff compiler, i prefer src/main/proto
there is a lot of gymnastics involved in generating classes and packaging to war
the less moving parts the quicker im done
iirc android development clung to ant a very very long time.
it sounds like it embodies the very reason why not to cling to scripted build [platforms