OMG i need to build it first
# announcements
OMG i need to build it first
Please read build tutorials first
To learn more about how to compile to JavaScript please see the corresponding tutorials
Yeah that is exactly what i did
what are you talking about?
I clicked on the IntelliJ IDEA link
I did exactly what is showed me
"Configure the Kotlin Compiler to generate source maps, accessible via Preferences|Kotlin Compiler"
i even configured the compiler
"Once that's done, we simply right-click on our index.html file and select the Debug option. This launches Chrome and then stops at the breakpoint defined in our code inside IntelliJ IDEA, from where we can evaluate expressions, step through code, etc."
However suddenly they end up with an out folder without mentioning that you need to build this
Why would you skip this step??
they didnt
Copy code
The only thing left to do is compile our application (Build|Build Project), and once the JavaScript files have been generated, we can open the index.html file in the browser and see the result in the console debug window.
It's cool man. We've all been there. Banging your head against the wall for hours
Nothing's working
and then it's just something super simple
@kotlin_questions ⬆️ hope you saw that
@strelok i have seen this now and it seems like you are right about that. The second that they told me to create a kotlin file with some code without telling me the name of the file already tilted me
At that point i'm just guessing and looking all over the place to see the filename or the generated output