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tenwit: There is a big difference between down voting questions (my case) and down voting answers (your link)
I was offering that as a comment about downvoting, not specifically downvoting a question or an answer.
Downvotes in both cases mean the same thing: it should be considered less valuable than similar upvoted questions/answers, until it is improved (and upvoted)
The voting system is there so that people with more knowledge can advise people with less knowledge about which answers are more valuable
The arguments provided by the link are given for down voting answers specifically
My mistake. But they are valid for both
It said "You can do something about it. A few down votes might be a blow to your ego but they're not the end of the world. You can go back and edit your answer into shape. Just because it was correct doesn't mean it was a good answer.". I chose to read it more generally as "You can do something about it. A few down votes might be a blow to your ego but they're not the end of the world. You can go back and edit your post into shape. Just because it was valid doesn't mean it was a good _post_"