is there a way to see (confirm) the kotlinc comman...
# announcements
is there a way to see (confirm) the kotlinc command line (or exact options) used by the IntelliJ during a build?
strelok: If you are using gradle based projects, can configure the
task. I am using this in my GSK script
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tasks.withType<KotlinCompile> {
    kotlinOptions {
        jvmTarget = javaVersion.toString()
        javaParameters = true
Thanks, Suresh, I am using Gradle (but Gradle is NOT used by IntelliJ to compile and run). I am actually pretty sure this option is applied when I run via gradle. I'm having trouble with the plugin
@strelok Check the options in Koltin facet of the module imported from gradle
@ilyagorbunov yep did that ... it's a single module project I made sure the facet is enabled (and not using options from project). Target is seto jvm 1.8 and the "Additional command line parameters" field contains a single String
I have the same applied in Gradle via
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compileKotlin {
  kotlinOptions {
    jvmTarget = "1.8"
    javaParameters = true
What makes me believe it is not working in Facet is that spring-data-mongo reflection code when introspecting the parameters of a
data class
constructor would randomly stop detecting parameter names after a few times the app stopped and started
When I run via gradle (bootRun) everything is working fine
@ilya.gorbunov so would you know how can I verify that the option is getting applied and/or the meta data is actually present if the option IS in fact applied?
I'll ask the one who may know
Turns out there's no such easy (or even not so easy) way to inspect parameters passed to IntelliJ JPS compiler. I've opened a request for that
👍 1