Hello, I got one question about Kotlin-Java, when ...
# announcements
Hello, I got one question about Kotlin-Java, when we use Kotlin we don’t write builders since we have named arguments + default values, that’s ok, but what in case we write library in Kotlin and this library will also be used in Java project? It would be messy, we end up with constructor with
arguments. Is there a way to generate proper builder for Java? Some sort of annotation like
outlying: no there is not
you can use the annotation you mentioned to generate additional methods for each argument specified
👍 1
Copy code
    fun someMethod(a: Int = 0, b: Int = 0, c: Float = 0f, d: String = “”){
generates this:
Copy code
   public final void someMethod(int a, int b, float c) {
      someMethod$default(this, a, b, c, (String)null, 8, (Object)null);

   public final void someMethod(int a, int b) {
      someMethod$default(this, a, b, 0.0F, (String)null, 12, (Object)null);

   public final void someMethod(int a) {
      someMethod$default(this, a, 0, 0.0F, (String)null, 14, (Object)null);

   public final void someMethod() {
      someMethod$default(this, 0, 0, 0.0F, (String)null, 15, (Object)null);
Thanks for explaining 🙂 I’m familliar with
I think it’s an issue, since we have
we should have something similiar, OFC I can write eg. Gradle plugin for that but I want to start with question, maybe there is such a tool
if java consumers is a big concern for you, maybe you should write builders or let them be generated, e.g. by autovalue