<@U09229ZF0> might be interesting to add a channel...
# announcements
@hhariri might be interesting to add a channel for adjudicating violations, a couple times when @orangy has run in to suppress something, I have thought an actual discussion would be fruitful.. 🙂
codeslubber: I think everything related to the running of slack itself can be discussed on #meta. Not sure if different channels for each specific topic is needed.
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no I just meant if something is deemed inflammatory, or potentially so, that it could be moved into a kind of mock courtroom where pro/con arguments could be heard..
that mock courtroom would be where all such cases would go, from general, random, whatever…
Or we just don't go that crazy here, in plain public view of thousands maybe we limit to common-good instead of "I'm right, you're wrong" and take those to Reddit or someplace else where arguments are the norm. You can be "right" there and here just not worry about it.
I wasn’t really talking about right/wrong, more about if someone is called for an infraction, or told to stop talking, that it be really clear what was incendiary, that’s all, just a fundamental concept of justice, and btw, not arguing this from sour grapes or anything, saying I like the idea of transparent adjudication, otherwise you tend to just get echo chambers that are as or more fascistic than arguments.. of course I am in NO WAY saying we should flame each other or carry on..