Here is an example of what I’m trying to do: <http...
# announcements
Here is an example of what I’m trying to do:
deinspanjer: A couple of things: one is that it’s easier for people to help you if you paste code inline with triple backticks (`x3) (if you have a lot of code to paste, you can use command-enter). If you need to return a reference to a function, you can always return a new lambda that has the same signature and just calls the function you really want to call. For example:
Copy code
fun example(s: String): String {
  return doSomethingWithS(s)

//effectively returns a method reference to "example"
fun returnsClosure(): (String) -> String {
  return { s: String -> example(s) }
👍 2
I’m still not completely clear on what you are trying to do so if you have a more specific question about syntax I’ll try and answer, you may also want to check out the #getting-started channel.
Thank you!