<@U0ZFBBUBU> so how is the javafx plan working out...
# announcements
@groostav so how is the javafx plan working out so far?
danko9: eh, not perfect. JavaFX has largely been abandoned by oracle. TornadoFX (kotlin-DSL for view code) is neat but I prefer braindead WYSIWYG view code, so im still using FXML. Binding performance is also a problem, and the reason our custom PCP is slower than D3JS. JavaFX could be great, but its going to need a major sponsor.
thanks! what's a pcp? @groostav
hahaha, my mistake: Parallel Coordinates Plot (PCP), its the most conventional way to plot data in excess of 3 dimensions. Its the chart at the top of the page I sent you, with a jagged line running through each column to describe one particular row. Though, I've always thought that charts using things like colour and size to plot higher dimensional data were fun. EG:
