<@U0ZFBBUBU> &gt; TBD: link to sonatype/maven cent...
# announcements
TBD: link to sonatype/maven central
Build with Kobalt and upload to JCenter in just two lines in your build file 😄
🤔 1
honestly, one of the things I'm using this repo for is to test drive different build systems. As I mentioend to the #gradle guys, I'm scared of these build system DSL's, and ashamed to admit that my company's build system --for which I'm 95% responsible, is 1000 reasonably nicely written ant "lines". I'm happy to try kobalt here, but I think ill create my jcenter repo first --though I'm still not sure why jcenter is superior to sonatype's maven stuff.
It’s much easier to upload stuff to JCenter and then sync them to Sonatype.
As for Kobalt, I can send you a PR to build your stuff with Kobalt so you can experiment, if you want
yeah absolutely
are you doing the gradlew style entirely-in-script executor or do i need a
choco install kobalt
PR sent
Kobalt is on choco but just merging the PR will bootstrap you (similar as Gradle)