the real immutability support would be great. i re...
# announcements
the real immutability support would be great. i really like that in swift
💯 7
Can you elaborate, please? Some Swift example would be really appreciated.
In Swift, you can make a class or a struct. The struct is always by value, class by reference.
So, does it mean you are really looking for value types?
I'm not really sure what the "real immutability support" proposal would even entail in Kotlin, or how it would interop with Java, or anything else, but I voted for it because it's an amazing feature if we could have interior immutability. Rust has interior immutability where you have to pass a mutable reference to be able to do things like push elements into a Vec, while you can use any reference to read an element from it. Again, I question the feasibility of something like that, but it's definitely item #1 on my wishlist
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sorry guys i totally missed this thread, here’s an explanation with a probably outdated syntax, but you get the idea