here's my new project: <
# announcements
is this the only of its kind? this actually might come in handy for my game at build time. my ui styles now use typesafe builders..the only thing that is unsafe is the string'd assets. i was thinking of having it look in the asset dir, for each dir create enums for each file, at build time. Then I can just easily refer to those in a type safe manner. Love that type safety ;)
Hmm I'm wondering how to run kibble as a pre build/generator step with gradle
i haven't worked on gradle integration just yet. i suppose I should tackle that so people can actually use it before moving on to other features. i'll try to do that tonight and then get a binary pushed to bintray.
Yeah that's what I was hoping for :) if you can do that I can start using it immediately :)
Then I can maybe give some feedback and break all of your code
that would be great. the API is ... wonky now because i changed course at one point. i'm trying to clean all that up now.
is there any progress on this? not trying to rush you, jw about when i could expect it so i can plan accordingly
just pushed 0.1 to maven central
I think I'll wait for that gradle integration you mentioned, so I can easily add it to my project
well, there's nothing to integrate with kibble. now, critter already has gradle support but if you're not using morphia it doesn't do you much good.
but you have to tell kibble what to build...
you think it would be the best route, to look at your gradle plugin stuff for critter, in order to implement it myself?
probably. there's not a lot of magic there. there's just nothing to generalize at the kibble level to warrant a gradle plugin there.
ok, cool
is that that gradle script kotlin?
i didn't realize you could write gradle plugins in kotlin?
you can write them in any JVM language
am i too tired or what.. added compile "com.antwerkz.kibblekibble0.1-SNAPSHOT" to my isn't picking it up edit: yup..too tired. forgot it was 0.1