dont want to continue the eclipse theme but small ...
# announcements
dont want to continue the eclipse theme but small story for you few years ago i was at vmware, everyone used myeclipse, same eclipse but you pay for it, they told me that there is technical support for this one thats why its paid... (really if you need technical support to use your ide probably its a bad ide)... i had hard time configuring everything for intellij but i managed it, worked there 2 years, people would "wow" when they see me using multicursors or some fancy intellij features that eclipse users never dreamed of... lately visited my team, everyone were using intellij moral of the story : imho sometimes its better to leave old tools to die and focus on tools that actually get the work done
Don't say Eclipse users don't have dreams. They are developers too.
@vach ...and that's what I do. I'm far away from keeping myself closed in one product, as many of folks here do. I use Eclipse. Idea, Sublime Text, Atom and VS Code daily, for what they are worth.
yeah and im sad for them, i was an eclipse user too, even netbeans user, but i did the jump i didnt get lazy, because i saw how my inefficient tool kills my time... if there is ever something better than intellij i'm gonna use that...
for me there is only sublime and intellij thats it 🙂
@jest how does Atom work for you compared to sublime?
It has more people working on it, open source and a looot of plugins.
However, it has it's problems on large files, like big CSV; that's where I use Sublime
so basically for web stuff you use Atom?
I use Atom mainly for RAML stuff (
Yeah, web stuff mainly.
And Sublime for casual coding, like scripts (I'm an intensive Linux user)