Any ideas?
# announcements
Any ideas?
To follow up on this, I created a brand new project in IntelliJ IDEA and in this case everything works fine. I see some differences between the two projects (most notably the absence of top level build.gradle file in the working case) but I am digging deeper to see where I messed up in the original case
@curioustechizen Are you using the 1.1 EAP Kotlin plug-in in IDEA as well?
Yes I am. In both IDEA and Android Studio. I remember that because I had to explicitly enable the RC channel for updates :-)
That's odd, the plug-in should add the three
files with the correct version.
What I do not understand is - why can Gradle compile and run my code while the IDE cannot? Doesn't the IDE use Gradle under the covers?
Also, I am wondering whether starting off by creating an Android project and then deleting the "app" module might have anything to do with this
exactly what a "compiler" is to an IDE is nebulous, you can bet the kotlin plugin does a hell of a lot more than simply generate code. It sounds like your compilation tool chain is on 1.1 RC and the kotliin plugin is on 1.0. If you go to tools -> kotlin -> configure kotlin updates, which update channel are you on? If your switching between versions of the plugin --and IDEA has been pushing several updates, you also might need to flush IDEA's AST cache, you can do that by clicking file -> invalidate caches & restart
I've been digging into this a fair bit lately because I've got some personal projects on 1.0 + gradle and my work on 1.1 + ant
Invalidate caches did not work. I mean, I no longer see compile errors but I do see the "Cannot add jps/kotlin-jps-plugin.jar from plugin 'Kotlin' to external compiler classpath: home directory of plugin not found" message in the event log plus, I expect a test to fail but it still passes. I'm still digging into this