does anybody have a good intro to properties for 1...
# announcements
does anybody have a good intro to properties for 100% java programmers?
groostav: in Java, get/set is property interface emulation, field is property implementation
lol, yes im well aware, I'm looking for a blog post or walk-through to explain the advantages of this strategy
i found the docs to be pretty helpful
their not bad, I was just looking at them, but they dont explain why kotlin has properties
for starters, many modern languages do and that's a bit expected
i would've thought the reason was clear though? you can do a lot of nice things concisely, caching and things
and java always had a ton of boilerplate for simply writing their own limited "properties"
I just had a kotlin-newbie pull request a change
Copy code
class Thingy{
  var property: Model
    private set;
Copy code
class Thingy{
  var property: Model
    private set;

  fun updateProperty(newModel: Model) {
    property = newModel
because he didn't understand what
two methods have the same JVM signature
meant as an error message when he tried to call it
fun setPropety
🙃 2
Many things IDE generates for Java (Constructors, Getters and Setters) can be just written in Kotlin, that's why 🙂
so what i want to do is give this kotlin newbie something to read
what would you guys suggest?
that particular thing sounds like a spot the compiler could be more helpful at, as a side note 😉
if there isn't one, maybe you should file a youtrack issue