Hi, I'm working with WebSockets at the moment and ...
# ktor
Hi, I'm working with WebSockets at the moment and can't manage to detect closing frames. This is what the documentation says:
When handling a session, you can check a frame type, for example:
• Frame.Text is a text frame. For this frame type, you can read its content using Frame.Text.readText().
• Frame.Binary is a binary frame. For this type, you can read its content using Frame.Binary.readBytes().
• Frame.Close is a closing frame. You can call Frame.Close.readReason() to get a close reason for the current session.
Use the close function to send a close frame with the specified reason.
I need to remove my Connection instance from a set, when the channel is closed. But in this code the cleanup is never called, when the other side uses the close function:
Copy code
try {
    for (frame in session.incoming) {
        when (frame) {
            is Frame.Text -> {
                // ...
            is Frame.Close -> {
                // Do cleanup
            else -> {}
} catch (e: ClosedReceiveChannelException) {
    println("onClose ${session.closeReason.await()}")
    // Do cleanup
} catch (e: Throwable) {
    println("onError ${session.closeReason.await()}")
    // Do cleanup
So how do I react to closing frames correctly?
In a simple server sample a
block with the
or a
block is called when a connection is closed. Do you develop an application with a server or a client?
Thanks! The
block isn't called, but the
block is indeed entered on the server. 🙂 I was so confused, that neither the
branch for
nor the
did anything, so I didn't think about
. I think the documentation is misleading. It states, that you can check the frame type, but closing frames don't appear when iterating over
Yes, that’s intended. If you want the full control over websockets negotiation then you can use raw Websockets https://api.ktor.io/ktor-server/ktor-server-plugins/ktor-server-websockets/io.ktor.server.websocket/web-socket-raw.html