I know official swagger support is on the horizon ...
# ktor
I know official swagger support is on the horizon but, in the mean time, I made this plugin to generate route definitions automatically https://github.com/tabilzad/ktor-docs-plugin
👀 1
👍 2
I know that https://github.com/bkbnio/kompendium already exists, but hasn’t been updated to Ktor 2.0, just out of curiosity, have you considered contributing 2.0 support to that? Not trying to suggest not making a new version, just trying to see if taking something that already exists would make things quicker.
kompendium seems to require changing your existing code and wrapping route definitions with the notarized DSL. I wanted a simple plug and play solution that doesn't require any code changes whatsoever - you just annotate your routes with
and it automatically parses your code and generated openspec
Sounds good. Can’t wait to see the progress on this.
Depending on how jetbrains will provide support for this I might eventually consider contributing this as a feature to kompendium
I wouldn’t hold my breath on official support. JetBrains has a tendency to keep new products in alpha/beta for a long time so they can remove bugs and find the ‘best’ public API. It leads to better products in the end, but a very long wait time.
It mainly depends on if they see Swagger support for Ktor as a major feature that needs to be thoroughly designed and tested or as a small convenience.
I didn't have time to take a closer look at the code. But your description seems promising. How does it work then? I saw some arrow-meta imports. Can you analyze code at function level and thereby infer the OpenAPI spec? I'm wondering because you want to omit the wrapper DSL.
Looks very promising 😍
yep, it goes through your code expressions and figures out open api spec based on function params, invocations, etc.
How do you handle descriptions of parameters?
Also, I believe Swagger supports text descriptions of properties of types at the bottom. Can this be done via kdocs?
path or query param descriptions aren't supported yet, but i have an experimental feature to also walk through your request type - so description can be done through annotation processing at class definition level. For path or query params - will have to come up with something creative 🙂