Another question that is bugging me. In `ktor-serv...
# ktor
Another question that is bugging me. In
ktor-server-call-logging Here mdc entries are registered in the plugin registry, but I couldn’t find out where they are extracted again back from the plugin registry to be used (they are however used from the pluginConfig, so I don’t see why these are being registered in pluginRegistry). Is this code redundant or is there any magic that I cant see 😅 ?
Ah I see. but eventually, all entries are evaluated for each call and its attributes, i guess ? So If I register my attributes in pluginRegistry, will they be automatically be applied to each
instance, thus removing the need to set them up in CallSetup hook ?
Just trying to fish out the relevance of pluginRegistry, and possible usage of it 🙂
Could you please describe what problem are you trying to solve with the pluginRegistry?
Actually, I don't really have a use case. I wasn't aware about something like pluginRegistry. So I wanted to know more about it. Seems like a good way to register attributes that needs to be provided once and evaluated per call instance. So I wanted to know more about it, the thought process behind it.
Generally, the plugin registry is used to store instances of installed plugins.
You can store attributes in the
if you want to share data for all calls.