Hello everyone We use ktor 2.0.0 with Netty engine...
# ktor
Hello everyone We use ktor 2.0.0 with Netty engine We process large tsv, tsv transmitted over http We represent http request body as Flow<ByteBuffer> How we read from channel
Copy code
fun ApplicationCall.receiveFlow(): Flow<ByteBuffer> = flow<ByteBuffer> {

    val channel = receiveChannel()
    try {
        while (true) {
            val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4096)
            if (channel.readAvailable(buffer) == -1) {
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        log.error("URL: '${request.uri}' error reading body", e)
        throw e
If server slowly process http request - we see increase direct byte buffers (non-heap), this buffers create netty for buffering request (buffers grows to 2 gb) I expected back pressure in ktor, but buffers are growing... I communicated with netty users - they recommend disable autoread at channel and use read() manually Does ktor support back pressure? If so, how enable it?
@Rustam Siniukov
@Aleksei Tirman [JB]
i was fighting with large files and ktor for quite a while (before ktor 2) .. and my solution in the end was to split up my project and swap the netty engine for the jetty engine for the servers which handles the files. ugly .. but working