Hello Ktor team :wave::skin-tone-4: , I’m about t...
# ktor
Hello Ktor team 👋🏽 , I’m about to complete the migration from Ktor 1 to 2 but I noticed some weird things in which I’m not sure if this is a behaviour change that I couldn’t find in the documentation, or if these could be indeed an issue. Both of the issues found were around the Unit/Integration tests.
1 - Converting an URL to URI using
throws an Exception
java.net.URISyntaxException: Illegal character in query at index
The snippet below works for
Ktor 1.6.8
, but it throws the exception for
Ktor 2.0.1
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// The input parameters used for testing are:
// baseUrl = <http://bbc-pipelines-build-info.integration.test:8082>
// urlQueryParameters = build-info?workspace-id={5734a707-dc63-47a1-b63f-03e5d80efad5}

private fun buildBuildInfoUrl(baseUrl: String, urlQueryParameters: String) =
    return Url("$baseUrl/$urlQueryParameters").toURI().toString()

The response is:
Exception thrown by
Ktor 2.0.1
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java.net.URISyntaxException: Illegal character in query at index 78: <http://bbc-pipelines-build-info.integration.test:8082/build-info?workspace-id={5734a707-dc63-47a1-b63f-03e5d80efad5}>
	at java.base/java.net.URI$Parser.fail(URI.java:2913)
	at java.base/java.net.URI$Parser.checkChars(URI.java:3084)
	at java.base/java.net.URI$Parser.parseHierarchical(URI.java:3172)
	at java.base/java.net.URI$Parser.parse(URI.java:3114)
	at java.base/java.net.URI.<init>(URI.java:600)
	at io.ktor.http.URLUtilsJvmKt.toURI(URLUtilsJvm.kt:54)
2 - Even though I’m using the
plugin with the HttpClient from my integration tests, when I set the following attributes
, during the request time the
is replaced from the value I gave with
Looking through the snippet below in which I define my HttpClient I would assume that
used for the request should be
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fun buildClient(): HttpClient {
    val buildInfoUrl = URLBuilder("<http://bbc-pipelines-build-info.integration.test:8082>").build()
    return HttpClient(MockEngine) {
        install(ContentNegotiation) {
            json(Json {
                isLenient = true
                ignoreUnknownKeys = true
                useArrayPolymorphism = true
        defaultRequest {
            url {
                protocol = buildInfoUrl.protocol
                port = buildInfoUrl.port
                host = buildInfoUrl.host
            header(HttpHeaderConstants.X_SLAUTH_EGRESS, true)
However, when I make the request with
url {encodedPath = "build-info"}
the request is done using the host as being
(see snippet below). When I replace the
url { encodedPath = "build-info"}
instead of
, the request is sent to
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suspend fun getBitbucketPipelineBuildInfo(
        workspaceId: String,
    ): BitbucketBuildInfoResponseModel = retrying {
        buildInfoHttpClient.submitForm(url {encodedPath = "build-info"}, formParameters = Parameters.build {
            append(BitbucketPipelineQueryParameters.WORKSPACE_ID.field, workspaceId)
        }, encodeInQuery = true).body()
Do you reckon you could provide an assistance for these 2 issues, please? Thanks heaps!
That port thing is a bug in 2.0.1 and not present in 2.0.0
Thanks for pointing out. 😃 I wonder if the
issue could be related with the bug.
1. In Ktor 1.6.* we decoded an input URL passed for the
and then encoded it when returning a string representation. That led to a loss of original symbols in URL because there are multiple representations for some symbols. In Ktor 2.0.0 that behavior was fixed so we store an original URL string as is.
Thanks for your reply Aleksei! So, from your Ktor expertise, there is no way in which I could only covert the curly braces from the URL using the UrlBuilder anymore?
So, from your Ktor expertise, there is no way in which I could only covert the curly braces from the URL using the UrlBuilder anymore?
You can add query paramerters to an
via the
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val uri = URLBuilder().apply {
    host = "bbc-pipelines-build-info.integration.test"
    port = 8082
    encodedPath = "/build-info"
    parameters.append("workspace-id", "{5734a707-dc63-47a1-b63f-03e5d80efad5}")
I wonder if the
issue could be related with the bug
Your code should work as expected in Ktor 2.0.2.
🙌🏽 1
Thank you so much!! I will give it a shot.
Hello Aleksei, 👋🏽 I was attempting to migrate another application our team owns with Ktor V2…. But I noticed that some of the mocks we previously had working in Ktor v1 no longer works with Ktor v2. I added an example in #mockk Is there any behaviour change in Ktor v2 regarding the tests that we should be aware of? I tried looking through the migration guide, but nothing that actually caught my attention. Would you be able to tell me if there was any change around test execution that would trigger such behaviour? I have added an example i
As I see, in your example there is no usage of Ktor API. Could you please give an example where Ktor classes are mocked?
I can certainly show you. Let me prepare some snippets, 1s
Please create a new thread or file an issue.
Sure! I will do a new thread in a minute. I’ll probably raise a new issue actually. It might be better