Hello everyone! I am developing a project that I ...
# ktor
Hello everyone! I am developing a project that I inherited and it uses Ktor. After upgrading Ktor from 1.4.2 to 1.6.8, I ran into a weird issue with unit tests. Following is an example test, but they all fail the same with 404 error.
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    fun `400 Bad request on item sync when request body cannot be parsed`() {
        val invalidItem = "invalid body"
            restService(connector, synchronizer, logger)
        }) {
            handleRequest(true) {
                method = <http://HttpMethod.Post|HttpMethod.Post>
                uri = "/synchronize/item"
            }.apply {
                assertEquals(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, response.status())
This particular test fails with following status: expected: <400 Bad Request> but was: <404 Not Found> Expected : 400 Bad Request Actual : 404 Not Found If I place breakpoints to the tested restService code, they are never reached, like the 404 error hints. I also placed breakpoint to start() method of the RestService and it's being called at the start of the test as expected and I can step through it without errors. If I revert Ktor back to 1.4.2, all the tests run ok - so, what exactly could have changed from 1.4.2 to 1.6.8 that breaks these? The change log is quite lengthy, so I ask for an educated advise.
It’s hard to say what can cause that. What is the implementation of the
I'll paste that first thing tomorrow. Don't have the code available now. I guess something goes wrong in the start-up of the service, but it doesn't leave any errors to log.
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fun Application.restService(
    connector: Connector,
    synchronizer: SynchronizationManager,
    logger: Logger
) {
    install(ContentNegotiation) {
        gson {

    val prometheusRegistry = PrometheusMeterRegistry(PrometheusConfig.DEFAULT)
    install(MicrometerMetrics) {
        registry = prometheusRegistry

    install(Routing) {
        get("/metrics") {
        route("/synchronize") {
            synchronizationRest(connector, synchronizer, logger)
There goes, as I said, nothing special. Routing is defined like this:
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fun Route.synchronizationRest(connector: Connector, synchronizer: SynchronizationManager, logger: Logger) {

    route("/item") {

        post("/") {
            try {
                ...handling is done here, likely irrelevant, as this is never reached when using Ktor 1.6.8...
            } catch (e: Exception) {
                return@post call.respond(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, e.localizedMessage)
... other routes
I am in process of pinpointing which Ktor version jump is the exact one that breaks this. Could help to locate the problem, but sure is tedious chore to do.
The problem is in the missing trailing
in the URL of the
call. Since 1.5.0, Ktor starts distinguish routes with trailing slash and without it. You can use the IgnoreTrailingSlash plugin to make routes with and without a trailing slash indistinguishable.
👍 1
Thanks! I was sure it was something trivial, but just didn't know what.