Hi Guys, I am new to Ktor and a great fan of the ...
# ktor
Hi Guys, I am new to Ktor and a great fan of the Kotlin language and i have the following questions to better understand if using Ktor is the best option for me I have basic HTML and CSS knowlege, i hate using Javascript the language itself makes me want to faint. 1. I'm planning to build websites using Ktor can i use kotlin instead of Javascript to manage the logic of a website 2. The other thing is why Ktor, because i want to have a proper understanding in what way Ktor is better Thank you
1. Yes, you can. 2. Could you please clarify better than what?
@Aleksei Tirman [JB], as why is Ktor a better web framework compared to other web frameworks out there, cos this is my first time using a web framework
Hmm. When I think of a web framework, I think of Spring, Angular, Wicket, etc. I've always assumed Ktor just handled the low-level networking features. Did I miss something?
@Alex you can read about it in the
Why Ktor?
section on the official Ktor website.
@Alex Considering your current skill level and understanding of web development, you may have an easier time figuring it all out if you just stick with HTML, CSS, and JS for building out websites and web applications for right now. Trying to learn Kotlin and associated web technologies on top of the other stuff will be extremely difficult. You’ll likely need to learn some subset of JS anyway to manage integrations and read documentation. The web development community is much larger in the JS world than Kotlin right now and you have a much easier time finding resources and help sticking with JS. JS can feel frustrating at times but there are helpful libraries out there that provide helpful structure: 1. RamdaJS - a utility library for functional programming styles. https://ramdajs.com 2. SanctuaryJS - also a utility library for functional programming styles but more strict and has optional run-time type checking. https://sanctuary.js.org 3. Xstate - a state machine library. This is amazingly helpful for frontend work. I strongly recommend this over other state management tools like Redux. Note that you should pair it with something like React ContextAPI for state sharing functionality in a component-based framework. https://xstate.js.org/docs/ 4. SolidJS. A truly reactive frontend framework. It feels like React but has less ad hoc rules, is more performant, and is smaller. I don’t necessarily recommend this for new developers just because the community and tooling isn’t as large though. https://www.solidjs.com
Thank you @db, its much clearer now after your explanation
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