Hey guys! I’m currently developing an API using Kt...
# ktor
Hey guys! I’m currently developing an API using Ktor and I need to inspect all incoming call for a specific header and return a HTTP 400 error if it’s not present. My understanding is that I could use an intercept for that purpose but I’m a bit confused where I should define and use it. This is how my project is setup:
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fun main(args: Array<String>): Unit = io.ktor.server.netty.EngineMain.main(args)

fun Application.module() {

fun Application.registerRoutes() {
  routing {
    route("/") {
      get {
        call.respondText("Hello world!")
What would be the best way? Where should I put it? Thanks!
You can add an interceptor in the definition of the
function. Here is an example:
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fun Application.module() {
    intercept(ApplicationCallPipeline.Setup) {
        if (!call.request.headers.contains("my-header")) {
    // ...
Right on! Thanks a lot it worked like a charm 🙂