Hi, having left my Ktor-Project (Ktor-Version 2.0....
# ktor
Hi, having left my Ktor-Project (Ktor-Version 2.0.0-beta-1) untouched (and it was working just fine) for a while I came back and when I clicked "Run Server" I get the following exception and I have no idea what's going on? Any hint? Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/ObjectMapper at com.auth0.jwk.UrlJwkProvider.<init>(UrlJwkProvider.java:80) at com.auth0.jwk.JwkProviderBuilder.build(JwkProviderBuilder.java:148) at de.tellsiggi.auth.config.jwt.JwtConfigKt.configure(JwtConfig.kt:31) at de.tellsiggi.ApplicationKt$module$1$1.invoke(Application.kt:34) at de.tellsiggi.ApplicationKt$module$1$1.invoke(Application.kt:33) at io.ktor.server.auth.jwt.JWTAuthKt.jwt(JWTAuth.kt:333) at io.ktor.server.auth.jwt.JWTAuthKt.jwt$default(JWTAuth.kt:329)
Could you please try to remove a Gradle cache and clean the build?
👌 1
🔥 1
Aleksei, thank you so much!! That solved it! In case anyone is having same issue I deleted Foler
(on windows) and rebuild my project. Aleksei how did you know it was gradle cache?
Very often when no class or method found error occurs the problem is in a Gradle cache, especially when a code is left untouched.