Hey guys, I'm new to ktor and having problems with...
# ktor
Hey guys, I'm new to ktor and having problems with Auth plugin on mobile. Our backend returns 401 (Unauthorized) without the
header set, as a result the
is not being triggered. I tried to solve this by intercepting the responses and adding that header manually on mobile client, however, token refresh is still not triggered and I don't see that header in http response logs, even though the interceptor code is being executed. Below is the simplified version of my client setup:
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    install("Fix Unauthorized headers") {
        receivePipeline.intercept(HttpReceivePipeline.Before) { response ->
            println("----------- INTERCEPTING!") // this is printed
    install(Auth) {
        bearer {
            loadTokens {
                println("---------- LOADING TOKENS!") // this is printed
            refreshTokens {
                println("---------- REFRESHING TOKENS!") // this is NOT printed
and the
is pretty simple - just adds the header if needed:
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private class UnauthorizedResponseWrapper(response: HttpResponse): HttpResponse() {
    override val call: HttpClientCall = response.call
    override val content: ByteReadChannel = response.content
    override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = response.coroutineContext
    override val headers: Headers = buildHeaders {
        if (response.status == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized && !response.headers.contains(HttpHeaders.WWWAuthenticate)) {
            println("--------- APPENDING WWWAuth header!") // this is printed!
            append(HttpHeaders.WWWAuthenticate, AuthScheme.Bearer)
    override val requestTime: GMTDate = response.requestTime
    override val responseTime: GMTDate = response.responseTime
    override val status: HttpStatusCode = response.status
    override val version: HttpProtocolVersion = response.version
As I said - I'm completely new to ktor, am I missing something here or maybe the header should be different to pass through Auth checks?
There is an issue that prevents modifying response headers. The fix for it is available only in Ktor 2.0.0. Also, here is an issue related to your problem.