Hello guys, I am new to Ktor and the documentation...
# ktor
Hello guys, I am new to Ktor and the documentation seems to fall a bit short for me could anyone give me advice or resources to fix my issue? Thank you https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70872686/project-fatjar-not-found-in-root-project
Hi, this topic uses the ktor-documentation/tree/2.0.0/codeSnippets/snippets/fatjar sample as an example. Given that this sample is a sub-project of codeSnippets, creating a fat JAR requires adding a sub-project name before the
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./gradlew :fatjar:shadowJar
For standalone project, this command looks like this:
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./gradlew shadowJar
I’ve added info that the mentioned command is applicable to the specific project: https://ktor.io/docs/eap/fatjar.html#build
I tried this as well but i still get the same error but now shadowJar is not found