Hi all. With 2.0-eap (2.0.0-eap-278), StatusPages ...
# ktor
Hi all. With 2.0-eap (2.0.0-eap-278), StatusPages does not seem to catch exceptions occurring during HTML DSL rendering. I saw a git commit fixing the same issue for freemarker, KTOR-343 ( git diff 18222b4e8~ 18222b4e8 ), which I don't fully understand, lacking some knowledge about the 2.0 refactoring; I was wondering if it was the same kind of problem. Also, would the Velocity plugin also be affected?
Could you please file an issue with the attached code to reproduce this problem?
Ok. But just to confirm, having
install<StatusPages> { cause -> call.respond(io.ktor.http.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) }
should be enough to respond 500 if an uncatched exception happens during rendering, right?
It should be the following code using Ktor beta:
Copy code
install(StatusPages) {
    exception<Throwable> { call: ApplicationCall, _ ->
Your code seems to only work in 2.0.0-beta-1, not in 2.0.0-eap-278 ; and alas the most recent version of ktor-html-builder on https://maven.pkg.jetbrains.space/public/p/ktor/eap/ is still eap-278
Ah, ok, understood, its name changed to ktor-server-html-builder, sorry
👍 1
The exception is catched, but ktor returns 200 with an empty document. I'll open an issue.