I can't figure out how I can call Dropbox API usin...
# ktor
I can't figure out how I can call Dropbox API using Ktor 1. I need to post JSON data to this endpoint: https://www.dropbox.com/developers/documentation/http/documentation#files-list_folder This does not work:
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var delta: DropboxDelta = post("$DROPBOX_API_URL/files/list_folder") {
    body = Parameters.build {
        append("path", "/")
        append("recursive", "true")
        append("include_non_downloadable_files", "false")
Client request(https://api.dropboxapi.com/2/files/list_folder) invalid: 400 Bad Request. Text: "Error in call to API function "files/list_folder": request body: expected object, got string" For OAuth I can use this construct:
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return tokenClient.submitForm(
    url = tokenUrl,
    formParameters = Parameters.build {
        append("grant_type", "authorization_code")
        append("code", authorizationCode)
        append("client_id", clientId)
But that does not work with list_folder Can someone share an example how to do this?
Ok, I figured it out. For Dropbox you need to have this:
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var delta: DropboxDelta = post("$DROPBOX_API_URL/files/list_folder") {
    body = DropboxDeltaRequest()
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data class DropboxDeltaRequest(

    val path: String = "",

    val recursive: Boolean = true,

    val includeNonDownloadableFiles: Boolean = false

I hope that saves someone else time. Ktor doc really has a lot of potential for improvement.
👍 1