Hi, I have a question on Ktor-Client 1.6.7 Bearer ...
# ktor
Hi, I have a question on Ktor-Client 1.6.7 Bearer token. Is it possible to customise the condition of calling
function? For example, without the
header? https://ktor.io/docs/auth.html#bearer
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3. Specify how to obtain a new token if the old one is invalid using refreshTokens. Note that this block will be called after receiving a 401 (Unauthorized) response with the WWW-Authenticate header.
Hi, currently it is not supported - here is an issue about it: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KTOR-3516
🙏 1
Very handy request. Is there a workaround until a final solution is ready?
In case someone has the same problem I posted a workaround solution here until there is an official support.
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