does anyone have an example of how would I load an...
# ktor
does anyone have an example of how would I load an
variables into ktor before starting local env or running tests?
đź‘Ť 1
You can't add env variables to a jvm process once it's started, so your only option is to read that file from gradle and append env variables to task's jvm fork
This is what I do for when I run
gradlew run
Copy code
val run by tasks.getting(JavaExec::class) {
    file(".env").readLines().forEach {
        if (it.isNotEmpty() && !it.startsWith("#")) {
            val equalsPos = it.indexOf("=")
            val key = it.substring(0, equalsPos)
            val value = it.substring(equalsPos + 1)

            if (System.getenv(key) == null) {
                environment[key] = value
Doesn’t handle all of the cases, but can probably do what you need
I use Dotenv for this -> There is a doten-kotlin plugin by the same author, but it doesn’t add much imo
You can use the HOCON configuration that loads values from environment variables