Ktor 2.0 issue: performing a POST in common code. ...
# ktor
Ktor 2.0 issue: performing a POST in common code. On Android, I have the same code as before, where I set the contentType in the url { headers { } } section. But running this same code on iOS, I get the following error:
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"Header(s) [Content-Type] are controlled by the engine and cannot be set explicitly"
if I try to remove the contentType call on Android, then it fails with
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java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fail to serialize body. Content has type: class MyRequest (Kotlin reflection is not available), but OutgoingContent expected.
If you expect serialized body, please check that you have installed the corresponding plugin(like `ContentNegotiation`) and set `Content-Type` header.
So it seems like we cannot do common code in this case. Anybody?
Hey, could you check if you have ContentNegotiation feature installed?
I do:
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private val client = HttpClient {
            install(ContentNegotiation) {
where parser is:
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internal val parser = Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true; isLenient = true; useAlternativeNames = false; }
Could you file an issue with reproducer? I will take a look
Okay, I was finally able to make a small sample that shows the issue: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KTOR-3631 Side note: these templates in AS are not the greatest…
I don’t suppose you might be able to take a look at this @e5l? I have tried a few things to work around it, but to no avail. Thank you!
I failed to reproduce it without simulator, so trying to do this with the sample
So sorry, I just saw your work on the issue right after sending the above. Thanks!
No problem
Hi all Any update on that?
Sorry, still in investigation
Is exist any workaround till you fix the bug?
@Aleksei Tirman [JB] could you check?
The only workaround I see is to use Ktor 1.6.7.
I revert my code to 1.6.7 and it works like a charm.
If this issue is not fixed, I do hope Ktor 1.6.7 will be compatible with Kotlin 1.6.20, or that there will be a 1.6.8 that will be. Thank you.